Life With Dogs
Life with dogs is often rife with odd little moments. Tonight I decided to bail on my usual yoga class to take my dogs out for a brisk...

Unpopular post time, I’m sure. I feel like this is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation anyway, but it’s been under my skin...

Passive Confrontation
That feeling, the one where you know someone you have to interact with on a regular basis has decided they really dislike you but they...

That’s My Arm, Dood.
A few days ago I posted an article to LinkedIn about tattoos (find it here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/engraved-skin-regan-wann/)....

Meh to the Smug
The problem that I have with many non-fiction writers and/or writers who write about writing is that as they start "talking" I realize...

The Changing Tide
I wasn’t an Anthony Bourdain fan. I also wasn’t into Kate Spade. I mean, they both did interesting things and appear to have been...

Working for Poverty
Thought of the day… In order to have a society in which people make a living wage, we have to stop being a society in which we are...

What does life want from me?
“The urge to become what one is is invincibly strong, and you can always count on it, but that does not mean that things will necessarily...

23 of 52
It’s week 23 of 2018, just a skosh below the halfway mark and I’m just now getting around to picking up the intentional blog project I...

When Bad News Happens
Delivering bad or disappointing news is one of the down-sides to taking on a position of leadership. Yes, you get the “power,” you get...