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Setting your feet on the path...

I am a professional tarot reader. I went pro in 2000 and, while it will not likely ever be my full-time job, it’s been a deeply fulfilling professional experience for me. I’m often hesitant to share that in my broader professional conversation, super-weird for someone who is pretty “out” and “out there” on a lot of fronts, but – like with so much that isn’t easily accessible or understood – there’s a lot of judgment that goes along with saying you read tarot.

But if I’m going to talk about what’s on my mind today it’s important to know this about me.

There’s a card, typically number 7 in the tarot deck, called The Chariot. It’s a card of overcoming conflict, confidence, ambition – a card that indicates setting your feet not just on A path but on THE path, the one you are meant to travel at this time. Which is great. When you recognize the path. Which, frankly, I don’t right now.

And I’m not sure what to do to fix that.

The reason this is on my mind right now is that I realized, nine months into 2018, that I hadn’t worked out my year card yet. It’s a little piece of numerology that uses your birthdate to identify a card that represents your year. You can also calculate your personality card this way, related to the year of your birth, which is a “running theme” card for your life. My personality card, my running theme, is (surprise, surprise, based on this post) The Chariot. This indicates that I’m driven by purpose, I’m a “fixer,” that I am someone who strives. As with all personality cards, this is both good and bad – when not engaging with purpose I tend to be distracted, disconnected, and easily stagnate. Long before I knew how to calculate this card I can tell you these things have been true about me.

So now we come to 2018. The calculation is relatively simple, sometimes however it leads to two card-connections, meaning your year is dually influenced. The two cards I calculated for 2018? The Tower and The Chariot. Big transition, major personality year for me. To pair dramatic transition with purpose and path – again – can be both a good thing and a bad thing, especially as related to one’s ability to SEE THE PATH. Which I don’t.

And I’m still not sure what to do to fix that.

But I’m trying to figure it out. As with any tool you use to investigate your current self more deeply, tarot is only as good as your ability to wield and apply the information shared. I’m doing a lot of thinking right now, reaching out to a few folks in hopes that I might find someone who can help me identify some key clues on how to get my feet back on that road – my chariot back in motion. I’m pushing myself to deeply consider The Chariot as a card, as a symbol, as a guide.

© Regan Wann 2018

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